If you are a resident of New Jersey and would like to have a firearm shipped to us so we can transfer it to you, we’ll be happy to accommodate. Transfers are $61.00 for a handgun and $60 for long guns and $15.00 for each additional item, if picked up at the same time. All prices include NICS. If you receive tracking from your seller that says your firearm was delivered, DO NOT call the store. When we log in the firearm and inspect it, we will text you. Any firearm received that has magazines that exceed 10 rounds will be modified for $25/mag or destroyed if you choose not to modify them. Any firearms shipped in for transfer that are either in inventory or available from one of our distributors will have a transfer fee of $100.00, so check with us before you buy anything on line. If you have multiple handguns sent to us requiring us to hold one or more while the 30 day limitation period expires, we are happy to do that at no additional charge, however it will be a new transfer at the time of pick up for the second firearm.
Multiple Handgun Purchase Exemption
If you have multiple hand guns you wish to purchase or transfer at one time, you can apply for an exemption to the 30 day rule by submitting two forms to the NJ State Police via your local police department. This process takes about two to three weeks to complete. You'll require a NJ SP Form 15 and NJ SP Form 16, both filled out with the serial numbers of all the hand guns you wish to pick up. One form is signed by me and one form is signed by you. There is no limit on the number of permits you can apply for or handguns you can pick up.